Welcome to EPNOE Talks, in this talk we have the pleasure to talk with Dr. Béatrice Conde-Petit, winner of EPNOE Technology Award 2023. Dr. Conde-Petit works for Bühler at the headquarters in Switzerland where she holds the position of Sustainability Officer. She is responsible for Bühler’s Sustainability Agenda and drives strategic innovation projects for the food sector at the interface between science, technology and business leveraging partnerships for impact.
Welcome to EPNOE Talks, in this talk we have the pleasure to talk with Prof. Ofelia Araujo from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. In this talk, Prof. Araujo speaks about challenges and opportunities in a complex scenario for the transition to a low-carbon future. Issues about liability in carbon capture, limitations and opportunities for CO2 conversion to chemicals are also discussed.
Welcome to EPNOE Talks, in this talk we have the pleasure to talk with Prof. João Mano, our Member Representative at University of Aveiro (Portugal) and winner of the EPNOE Science Award 2023. In this talk Prof. Mano speaks about the role of polysaccharides and their diverse applications, innovation and the shift from academia to industry, pivotal research investments, and the indispensable impact of cutting-edge technology.
Welcome to EPNOE Talks, a series of short interviews with scientists, technologists and enthusiasts about polysaccharides and their relevance to our future. In this edition we have the pleasure to talk with Prof. Emeritus Bjarne Holmbom from Abo Akademi University in Finland. Prof. Holmbom is highly recognised expert in the field of Wood Chemistry and winner of Finnish Science Award and Marcus Wallenberg Prize. In this talk Prof. Holmbom speaks about opportunities to exploit wood as a whole in a new era of biobased materials with emphasis on health applications of hemicelluloses and extractives. He invites the young generations to see wood with a new perspective of “Nature wisdom in the trees” to inspire new technologies and materials. Wood is good!
Welcome to EPNOE Talks, in this talk we have the pleasure to talk with Dr. Jürgen Engelhardt, our Member Representative at IFF (International Flavors & Fragrances) and winner of the EPNOE Technology Award 2021. In this talk Dr. Engelhardt speaks about the evolution of biobased polymers, his views about cellulose, the synergy between researchers and industry, Europe’s competitiveness, and the future of polysaccharide research.
Welcome to EPNOE Talks, a series of short interviews with scientists, technologists and enthusiasts about polysaccharides and their relevance to our future. In this edition we have the pleasure to talk with Prof. Elisabete Frollini, the EPNOE Ambassadress in Brazil. Prof. Frollini is the Coordinator of the Center for Research on Science and Technology of BioResources at University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil and the Editor in Chief of the Journal Industrial Crops and Products (Elsevier). In this talk Prof. Frollini speaks about her research and about numerous opportunities to build collaboration with Brazilian researchers and also about the potential of polysaccharides for initiatives in emerging bioeconomy involving Brazil and Europe.
Welcome to our third interview in EPNOE Talks. Here, Prof. Yuanyuan Li from KTH/Wallenberg Wood Science Center in Sweden, and winner of the 2021 EPNOE Young Scientist Award talks with Prof. Pedro Fardim (Prof. at KU Leuven, President of EPNOE), about her work on wood nanotechnology and explains her “top-down” approach to obtain innovative wood-based materials for smart windows, conductive aerogels and solar cells. She also talks about the great potential for wood in photonics and energy storage applications. Dr Li is passionate about her work and has published in prestigious scientific journals in the field of materials sciences. She shares her vision on the future of wood-based materials and gives tips to young scientists for their careers
Welcome to our second interview of EPNOE Talks. Here, Prof. Alain Dufresne, winner of the 2019 EPNOE Science Award and recognised by Clarivate Analytics as Highly Cited Researcher for the third year in a row talks with Prof. Pedro Fardim (Prof. at KU Leuven, President of EPNOE). Prof. Dufresne talks about his passion about polysaccharide nanomaterials and the relevance of these materials in nature and for applications in industry.
He also talks about his scientific career, his passion for traveling and working with scientists in different countries and the importance of being open for collaborative efforts between different disciplines. Finally, he advises young researchers on how to get fulfilment and success in their career
Welcome to the first interview of EPNOE Talks. Here, Prof. Patrick Navard, the founding and former President of EPNOE, talks with Prof. Pedro Fardim (Professor at KU Leuven, Belgium and the current EPNOE President) on how and why EPNOE was created. He also gives hints on how to build long lasting collaborations, scientific insights on biobased materials and advice to young researchers.