
The 9th edition of the EPNOE Conference will be held from August 25 to August 28, 2025, in Sundsvall, Sweden and is organized by the FSCN Research Centre at Mid Sweden University.
The conference is organized according to the research themes in the EPNOE Research Roadmap 2040 ( which was later published in Carbohydrate Polymers ( The themes include related sub-topics covering various aspects of polysaccharides – ranging from fundamental research to applications and products in different fields.
The Call for Abstracts for EPNOE 2025 is now open. Please share amongst your network: and we hope to meet you there!

We are pleased to invite you to the Kick-Off Meeting for the new EPNOE Working Group Food & Nutrition on Friday, the 7th of March, 2025 from 01:00 PM until 03:00 PM.
During this online meeting, you will get the chance to introduce yourself to your peers in the international polysaccharide community and to provide suggestions for future activities (such as webinars, conferences, workshops) in the field of food and nutrition.
There are several working groups active within the EPNOE Association, we find it important that the various fields of applications for polysaccharides are explored and that no opportunity to network and to share knowledge and expertise is lost. So please join us for the WG Food & Nutrition Kick-Off Meeting.
You can register for the Kick-Off Meeting using the following form: After you have registered, we will send you the link to attend the meeting via Zoom.

We are organizing a pre-conference course during EPNOE 2025 on Sunday, 24th of August, 2025, aiming to connect academia and industry. “Polysaccharides in Solution and Solid Materials – Physicochemical Interactions and Analytical Methods”.
You can register for the pre-conference course here:

The Fibre Science and Communication Network (FSCN Research Centre) at Mid Sweden University is organizing the Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2025 from the 20th until the 22nd of May.
The FSCN Research Centre is an interdisciplinary research center (bio-based materials, advanced materials and processes) at Mid Sweden University. Their research is developed in close collaboration with the Swedish forest industry and other actors in the materials, chemical, transport, and energy sectors.
More information about the seminar can be found here: There is also a call for abstracts open until 2 March 2025.

In June 2025, you can visit the Paper & Biorefinery Conference and Tradeshow in Graz, Austria (June 4th and 5th, 2025). The conference is known for its comprehensive and multifaceted range of expert contributions.
In 2025, it is focusing in particular on the main theme “FIBER – ENERGY – WATER: Closing the loops for a better tomorrow”. Faced with scarce resources and great environmental responsibility, the conference is placing a special focus on circular economy this year. EPNOE Member TU Graz is one of the partners of the Paper & Biorefinery Conference (PBC). Please find more information on the event’s webpages:
APA-EPNOE-GFL International Conference on Polymers for
Advanced Technology
For more information, please refer to this webpage.
EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conferences
The EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conferences are held every two years and are jointly organized with other professional societies, including the Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Cellulose Society of Japan. The programmes consist of multiple parallel sessions, each on specific topics, and are designed for researchers from academia and industry to present and discuss their latest results.
9th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
25-29 August 2025, Sundsvall (Sweden)
8th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
18-22 September 2023, Graz (Austria)
7th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
11-15 October 2021, Nantes (France)
6th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
21-25 October 2019, Aveiro (Portugal)
5th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
20-24 August 2017, Jena (Germany)
4th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
19-22 October 2015, Warsaw (Poland)
3rd EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
21-24 October 2013, Nice (France)
2nd EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
29 Aug – 2 Sep 2011, Wageningen (Netherlands)
1st EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
21-24 September 2009, Turku/Abo (Finland)
Junior Scientists Meetings
The meetings are held once every two years, alternating with the international conference. They are designed to offer young researchers (MSc, PhD students and early-stage postdocs*) the opportunity to present their work via lectures and posters, and also network among themselves. Senior staff from academia and industry are welcome to attend and offer the benefit of their knowledge and experience. The meetings also serve as a platform for senior staff to identify potential recruits among the emerging talent.
6th EPNOE international Junior Scientist Meeting
4-6 September, 2024, Vienna (Austria)
5th EPNOE international Junior Scientist Meeting,
8-9 September, 2022, Aveiro (Portugal)
4th EPNOE International Junior Scientists Meeting, 3-4 February 2021, Online Meeting
3rd EPNOE International Junior Scientists Meeting, 14-15 May 2018, Maribor (Slovenia)
2nd EPNOE International Junior Scientists Meeting, 13-14 October 2016, Sophia Antipolis (France). Download Book of Abstracts.
1st EPNOE International Junior Scientists Meeting, 19-20 January 2015, Wageningen (Netherlands). Download Book of Abstracts.
Early-stage postdocs are defined as those who obtained their PhD within the previous three years.
Workshops are small-sized events centered on individual topics, directed towards both research and industry, and are designed to allow for discussions and exchange of information.

Please note: participation exclusive to EPNOE Members.
- Marie Ollagnier – Seppic: ”How to develop safe & sustainable specialty ingredients – challenges and testimony.”
- Q&A Session
- Li Shen – Utrecht University: ”Safe and sustainable by design for biobased innovation.”
- Q&A Session
- Round Table Discussion Moderated by Laura Riva and Carlo Punta – Politecnico di Milano

The Training School on ”Technical, commercial and societal innovations on aerogels towards circular economy” took place on 29-31 May, 2024, at the University of Udine (Italy).
Organised by the ECO-AERoGELS CIG and the Food Technology groups from the University of Udine with the partnership of EPNOE, it featured a thought-provoking roundtable discussion moderated by Carmen Freire (Aveiro University/EPNOE Vice-President of Conferences and Workshops). The panel includes Anastasia Panfilova (IFF Pharma Solutions), Vincenzo De Tata (Barilla), and Carlos García-González (University of Santiago de Compostela). The titles of the presentations are available here.

The 27th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop (ACW 2027) 15-16 February, 2024, Graz University of Technology (Austria)
Polysaccharides In Drug Delivery – On The Road to Innovation!
27-28 October 2022, Rome
Challenges and opportunities to promote circular bio-economy
23-24 November 2021, online
Modern analytical approaches in biopolymer characterization
26-27 February 2020, BOKU Vienna (Austria)
More Information
Polysaccharides as Sweet Spot for Innovation
17-18 September 2018, KU Leuven (Belgium).
More information
Towards flame retardant biopolymers and biocomposites: current research strategies, scientific barriers and perspective applications
16-17 OCtober 2018, Centre des Matériaux d’IMT MINES Alès (France).
More information
Summer schools

VTT Summer of Changemakers
Summer Course Glycosciences
17th European Training Course on Carbohydrates
The Summer Course Glycosciences, 17th European Training Course on Carbohydrates took place from 11 to 15 June 2023, in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Organised by VLAG Graduate School, Wageningen University and Research, University of Groningen and Leiden University Medical Center, this course combined general introductions in the field of carbohydrates and glycoproteins with in-depth sessions, giving participants the opportunity to focus on specific interests without losing the broad perspective. In addition, interactive elements were part of the programme (e.g. poster sessions, interviews with lecturers).
For more information, read here.
Other Events
Seminar on Computational Resources

Access exclusively granted to EPNOE Members.
- Jeff Sanders – Schrödinger: ”Exploring Ingredient Binding and Encapsulation by Starch Using Molecular Simulation.”
- Yu Ogawa – Cermav CNRS: ”Flexing cellulose at the nanoscale: A molecular dynamics study.”
- Q&A Session
Bioeconomy Innovation Day: Advancing Resource Efficiency and Value Creation in Europe
The Bioeconomy Innovation Day – Advancing Resource Efficiency and Value Creation in Europe – was organised in cooperation with the Swedish research collaboration platform Treesearch, FinnCERES materials bioeconomy Flagship from Finland, and the B2BE facilitator, a matchmaker in the Flemish bioeconomy.
The event took place on 16 November, 2023, at 9:00-18:00 (CET) in Brussels, at the Marriott Hotel Grand Place.
For more information, please refer to this webpage.
XXI B-MRS Meeting
The XXI B-MRS Meeting took place at the Ruth Cardoso Cultural and Exhibition Center in Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil), from 1 to 5 October 2023. Among the symposia, the Polysaccharide-based Materials Symposium aimed to address timely topics within the Polysaccharide-based materials area.
Click here for more information.
The 8th EPNOE International Polysaccharides Conference
The 5th International Cellulose Conference
For more information, please visit this webpage.
XXVIII Conference of the Polish Chitin Society
The XXVIII Conference of the Polish Chitin Society “New Aspects on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives” was held at the Hotel Orle Centrum Konferencyjne, in Gdańsk (Poland), from 25 to 27 September, 2023.
Click here for more information.
Congresso Nazionale Societa’ Italiana Biomateriali 2023
EPNOE Research Roadmap 2040
Launch Event
EPNOE Research Roadmap 2040 launch event took place on 31 January 2023, from 13:30 to 17:00 (CET) at the Thermotechnisch Instituut, Kasteelpark Arenberg 41, 3001 Heverlee (Leuven, Belgium).
The venue
13:30 – Coffee and Registration
13:50 – Welcome to KU Leuven
14:00 – Presentation of EPNOE Association
Pedro Fardim, President of EPNOE, Professor at KU Leuven
14:10 – Introduction of EPNOE Research Roadmap 2040
Karin Stana Kleinscheck, VP EPNOE Research, Professor at TU Graz, Austria
14:20- Presentation of EPNOE Research Roadmap 2040 by Chairs and Co-Chairs:
- Materials and Engineering
Anna Roig, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain
Magnus Norgren, Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
- Food and Nutrition
Gleb Yakubov, Nottingham University, UK
- Biomedical Applications
Már Másson, University of Iceland, Iceland
- Basic Sciences- Chemistry, Biology and Physics
Tanja Wrodnigg, TU Graz, Austria
Olli Ikkala, Aalto University, Finland
- Skills
Tiina Nypelö, Chalmers, Sweden
15:00 – Future Perspectives of Circular Bioeconomy in Europe – Round-Table Discussion
Roman Brenne, European Commission, Brussels
Harry Raaijmakers, Royal Cosun, The Netherlands
Brigitte Hasewend, European Sustainable Energy Alliance (ESEIA), Brussels
Karin Stana Kleinschek, EPNOE Association, TU Graz, Austria
Moderator: Katariina Torvinen, EPNOE Association, VTT, Finland
16:00 – Networking Reception – All Attendees
17:00 – End of the Day