Hosting possibilities
Given the urgency of the situation and the constraints related to the organization of our programs, IMT Mines Ales is now able to welcome
- 8 French-speaking students in their 2nd year of the engineering cycle (Master 1)
- 6 English-speaking students in their 2nd year of the engineering cycle (Master 1) for a research mission in one of our three departments (see the school’s website: https://www.imt-mines-ales.fr/)
- 2 English-speaking students in the framework of the international damage Master (https://www.imt-mines-ales.fr/nos-formations/master-damage) level required: M1 or M2
- 3 doctoral students subject to complementarity with the themes developed at IMT Mines Alès
- IMT Mines Alès negotiates with the ERASMUS + Office to identify funding possibilities for Ukrainian students.
- Rooms can be reserved for Ukrainian students in our student residence, at cost price
Fundraising: “Support students from Ukraine in Utrecht”
List of current Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) activities for Ukraine
Information Point “In Solidarity with Ukraine”
establishment of the Volunteer Center of the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
assistance in translation of documents
support in learning Polish language
psychological support for students, doctoral students and employees from Ukraine
pedagogical assistance to students, doctoral students and employees
financial support for students, doctoral students and employees
donations for students, doctoral students and employees
legal assistance to students, doctoral students and employees
social support related to students, doctoral students and employees
organisation of debates, lectures and workshops
collection points of emergency items for Ukrainian people and partner universities
art therapy classes for children
employment opportunities in JDU
appointment of the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for aid to Ukraine
cooperation with other national agencies, organisations providing aid and support to Ukraine
dissemination of information regarding open calls for proposals for Ukrainian students and staff
Student jobs
We want to help Ukrainian students with financial difficulties to find a student job. We’re happy to do the same for Russian students who, as we’ve been informed, often have problems accessing their financial resources or who are reluctant or unable to return to their country.
Registration of students
We’ll offer a warm welcome to Ukrainian students who arrive here. In collaboration with the partner university colleges, we will inform them about the study programmes offered at (the) KU Leuven (Association) and elsewhere in Belgium, as well as about the admission and registration procedures. To students who lack sufficient English proficiency or whom we can’t offer a programme that matches their skills and needs, we’ll offer the opportunity to take part in campus life by means of a limited registration (e.g. access to learning centres and libraries).
Available positions
We also welcome Ukrainian researchers and university staff members who’ve had to flee their country. We’ll publish the available positions on the KU Leuven job site and also link them to Science For Ukraine.
Minimal registration
Ukrainian scientists and university staff who need a place to stay can request accommodation at our university. If they don’t find a (temporary) position right away, we’ll also offer them a minimal registration that gives them access to a range of KU Leuven facilities.
Emergency Fund
Thanks to the generous contributions made by the KU Leuven community, the KU Leuven Emergency Fund already comprises a substantial amount of money. We’re using these resources for housing, employment, and transportation, among other things.
Web page
An overview of our initiatives is now available on this web page. This information portal is primarily intended for our Ukrainian students and colleagues, but also for students and scientists from Ukraine who would like to (temporarily) stay at KU Leuven. The FAQ pages are very informative as well.
Besides a lot of individual and local initiatives at the various IFF sites, the care taking of our Ukraine colleagues, there is a corporate donation of 350,000 USD done by IFF to the World Central Kitchen and Save the Children.
In addition, a “double my donation” initiative is ongoing at the IFF US sites (an IFF foundation will double donations given by employees).
IFF is as well working closely with their customers to donate ingredients for food distribution to Ukrainians.
Please find our public post via: Russia – Ukraine: Our Position Statement & Humanitarian Efforts | IFF
University of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham announced that they end all formal links with universities in Russia, including current research projects, bilateral agreements, memoranda of understanding and any projects currently under development (https://exchange.nottingham.ac.uk/blog/support-for-ukraine-university-to-end-all-formal-links-with-russia/). Locally, in the Food Science department, we didn’t have any links to start with so we continue our work uninterrupted.
The University is exploring how we can enable students and postgraduate researchers from Ukraine to study in the UK
For affected academics UoN will offer support via the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA, https://www.cara.ngo/). Our own scheme is also under development
We support UK Government’s initiative Homes for Ukraine (https://homesforukraine.campaign.gov.uk/), which is a scheme to accommodate the refugees
In terms of donations, the University shares information about the organisations that are currently providing humanitarian support in Ukraine:
- The British Red Cross
JESH UKRAINE Emergency call
Due to the war in Ukraine, the Austrian Academy of Sciences is offering an emergency call for applications from Ukrainian researchers as part of its academic mobility programme “Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities” (JESH). The aim of the special call JESH-Ukraine is to support Ukrainian scientists who had/have to leave their country in temporarily carrying out a scientific project at an Austrian research institution.
Target Group
Applications are invited from Ukrainian citizens who have completed their doctorate/PhD studies, and are affiliated as scientists or scholars with a university or non-university research institution in Ukraine.
Host Institutions
All institutes and departments at Austrian public universities, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and at any publicly funded basic research institution in Austria are eligible to act as host institutes for JESH-Ukraine.
JESH-Ukraine covers the cost of living for a research stay of up to a maximum of 4 months (with the possibility of extension). Expenses are paid at a flat rate of EUR 2,700 per fellow per month. Other project-related expenses or overheads are not covered by this fellowship but may be covered by the host institution.
The JESH-Ukraine call is open until further notice.
Detailed information: