Workshop – Polysaccharides in drug delivery – on the road to innovation
In the biomedical and pharmaceutical field, polysaccharides are gaining an increasing interest due to a favorable combination of two items: the generally accepted biocompatibility of this class of polymers and their high availability, stemming from natural resources. This combination has been exploited since a long time to realize excipients for conventional formulations and innovative biomaterials for drug delivery.
This workshop aims to bring together scientists involved in pharmaceutical applications of polysaccharides, to share experiences in this field, trying to reveal what’s new behind the corner.
We will look at their use as drug carriers in various fields, from vaccine delivery to topical applications, considering also their use as innovative excipients.
We will meet in the wonderful setting of the eternal city with its beautiful and intriguing places, from October 27th to 28th 2022 at the Sapienza University in Rome.
We have the following speakers lined up for you so far:
Maria José Alonso (University of Santiago de Compostela), Elias Fattal (University of Paris-Saclay), Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch (University of Innsbruck), Nicola Tirelli (Italian Institute of Technology), José Kovensky (University of Amiens), Carsten Huettermann (IFF) and Ivan Donati (University of Trieste) already accepted to present their latest researches.
The workshop will be enriched by contributions of the participants on topics related to:
• Nanomedicine
• Overcoming biological barriers
• Topical applications
• Targeting
• Self-assembling
• Oligosaccharides
• Excipients
We look forward to welcoming you and wish you a productive meeting and a pleasant stay in Rome!
Organizing Committee
- Silvia Arpicco (Turin University, Italy)
- Barbara Stella (Turin University, Italy)
- Chiara Di Meo (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
- Pedro Fardim (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Carmen Freire (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
- Pietro Matricardi (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
- Patrizia Paolicelli (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
- Natacha Raes (EPNOE)
- Maria Topo (EPNOE)
Abstract and Poster submissions are now closed.